Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Making Sure We Believe God is Good

“The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways.” Proverbs 14:8

One of the biggest challenges to anything we attempt in life, including our attempts to follow Christ, are the patterns of our thought regarding that venture. What we think about something or someone determines what kind of response we have.

For example, if a child thinks that learning is enjoyable, he will easily become a self-motivated learner. However, if a child thinks that school is a necessary, but not very worthwhile experience, he will less likely be motivated to learn things that can help him grow to be successful in school and after graduation. In a similar way, If we think that God is good and that his ways are the best possible way to live, then we will be motivated to give attention to God’s Word and to prayer and to listening to his voice. On the flip side, if we think that God’s commands hinder our pursuit of joy, freedom and fulfillment in life, then we will have little motivation to get to know God and obey him.

This week, set aside some time to do some soul searching. Do you honestly consider getting to know God through his word and prayer as something that adds value to your life or do you think that you should read God’s Word and pray because it’s the least you can to repay Jesus for dying for your sin? If you think wisely about God and his ways, you will discover much motivation in your pursuit of knowing God and obeying his will. Change and growth will come.

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