Monday, November 12, 2012

Clarity for Life through Encounters with God

When I tried to understand all this, it was oppressive to me 17 till I entered the sanctuary of God.  Psalm 73:16-17 NIV
It’s easy to lose perspective in life.  One person lets us down and we start wondering if we can trust anyone.  We fail when we try something new and  then we are hesitant to try something new again.  A few things go wrong and we start expecting other things to go wrong.

What’s going on in your life right now?  Are you struggling with a negative attitude?  Do your problems feel overwhelming?  Do you feel like God is letting you down?  It could be that what you need most of all is a fresh perspective of the goodness, wisdom and power of God.   This week, enter into the sanctuary of God with the following simple activity.
     1.  Arrange to be alone in a quiet place for 20 minutes.
     2.  Slowly read Philippians 4:6-7 and Psalm 46:10-11.
     3.  Spend a few minutes telling God about what’s weighing you down.
     4.  Ask God to encourage you and spend the rest of the 20 minutes sitting silently in
          God’s presence.  Quietly praise God for being good, wise and strong. 

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