Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Peace of Fully Trusting God

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”     John 16:33  NIV

    What kind of “things” was Jesus telling his disciples?  He was referring to everything he just shared with them around the table of their last supper and on their walk to the Garden of Gethsemane.  He told them about his love for them.  He told them about the Holy Spirit coming to them to be their comforter and guide.  He taught them how to live life connected to him.  He told them that they would be persecuted for believing in him. He told them about his death and the lasting joy they would find in his resurrection. 

    Jesus wrapped things up for his disciples by telling them that the key to having peace in this world is NOT getting rid of trouble.  That is simply NOT possible.  Peaces comes from placing our lives in the hands of Jesus, our loving Lord.  It come through putting our full trust in him. 

   This week, set aside some time in prayer to place all the different parts of your life in Jesus’ hands.  Try this method of prayer to help you give your life completely to Christ.

1.  Start with five minutes of praising Christ, as well as the Father and the Spirit for their love, faithfulness, wisdom, power  and whatever else makes them worthy of your trust.

2.  Spend the rest of your time in prayer by giving (a.k.a., surrendering) all parts of your life to God.  You can do this with this simple prayer:  “Father, I give you…”  (my  health, my marriage, my kids, my job, my finances, my future, etc.). Don’t just say these words as if they are a lucky charm.  Slowly and honestly identify every part of your life that comes to mind and give it completely to God.  Include specific details as they come to mind.   Affirm that you want your Heavenly Father’s will to be done in every area of your life just as his will is done in Heaven.

For even greater joy and peace, do this with your spouse or a friend.  In the process of giving all your concerns to God, you will discover God’s peace that passes understanding.

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