Let no corrupting talk come out of your
mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it
may give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29 ESV
With all of God’s commands, as we do good to others, we do good to
ourselves. In God’s beautiful wisdom, he
has designed his creation so that when we bless others, we are blessed. It doesn’t work like a vending machine. We don’t deposit a coin of goodness and get
to select what goodness is returned to us.
It works more like a garden. When
we plant seeds of kindness in others, kindness grows in our lives. When we refresh others with generosity, we
are refreshed by the generosity of God.
The same principle works with our
words. When we speak words that spring
from an unselfish motive to build up other people, we become stronger. Since opportunities to build others are
always available, opportunities to become stronger also abound. You can test this principle, it will prove
itself to be true.
This week, make a list of five people that
you can encourage and build up with your words during the week. Ask God to give you words that will be very
meaningful to the people on your list
and then look for the opportunity to speak your empowering words. As you bless, you will be blessed!
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