Sunday, September 22, 2013

When Are You Aware of God's Presence?

Where shall I go from your Spirit?  Or where shall I flee from your presence?   Psalm 139:7  NIV

Yet he is actually not far from each one of us, for “‘In him we live and move and have our being.    Acts 17:27-28  NIV

   Scripture is clear that God is present everywhere.  Wherever we go, we are in his presence.  The issue is not whether he is there, the issue is whether or not we are aware of him and acknowledge him.  If we want to experience God’s presence, our awareness and acknowledgement of him needs to increase. 

   Sometimes giving thought to a few questions and planning a simple action step can help us take big steps in living with a greater awareness of God.  This week, set aside some time to consider these three questions.  It might be helpful to write down your answers.

1.  When is it easiest for you to be aware of God’s presence?  It could be in a worship service or when you are in nature or at some other time.
2.  When would you like to be more aware of God’s presence?  This could be when you are at work or when you are with your family or some other time.
3.  What are two steps you can take to remind yourself of God’s presence at the time you answered for the last question?  This is not a difficult question.  Keep your answer simple.

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