Sunday, November 24, 2013

God Awareness and Gratitude

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.       Proverbs 3:5-6  ESV

   What does it mean to acknowledge God?  It means to recognize His presence.  It’s easy for us to go through the large part of our days and weeks and not recognize that God is present everywhere we are.  This proverb teaches us that if we acknowledge God, He will direct us on straight paths.

   Thanksgiving week is a great week to begin the regular practice of acknowledging God in all your ways. We can combine recognition of His presence with gratitude for His gifts at various times throughout the day.  This week, try this experiment to help you recognize God’s presence.  It will only take a few moments each time.

1.  As soon as you get up (and can think straight), say “God is here.”  Say it loud enough so you can hear it.  Say it slowly so that it sinks in.  Say it again throughout the day as often as it comes to your mind.

2.  Each time you acknowledge God's presence, thank Him for something.  Keep it simple.  Say, "Lord, thank You for..."

After this brief acknowledgement of God, go back to doing what you were doing.  You will likely be surprised at how acknowledging God changes your perspective.  For some extra learning, make note of how many times you do this each day and see if you begin to develop a habit of acknowledging God in your daily life.

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