Sunday, December 29, 2013

Preparing for 2014 with God

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.   Ephesians 3:20-21  NIV
   The end of the year is a natural time to reflect.  It is also a great time to imagine what life could be like as we partner with God in the coming year.  This gives us a vision of the good God wants to accomplish in us and it increases our motivation to partner with Him.
  What would it look like if you partnered with God as he works to fill you with His goodness?    What would it look like if you partnered with God to love your wife as Christ loved the church?  What would it look like if you fully believed God's unfailing love for you rather than trying to live up to the world's ever-changing standards of beauty?  What would it look like if you partnered with God to nurture your children and have regular conversations about God with them?  What would it look like if you partnered with God to treasure Him and let go of material things as your hope for peace and happiness?  What would it look like if your life was filled more and more with God’s peace?
   Partnering with God includes a simple trust that He is with you and He is working in you for your good.  This week, set aside some time to write down some “belief” statements about what you will believe about partnering with God in 2014.  For example:
   - I believe that God will fill me with more and more of His goodness.
   - I believe that God will help me pray with my kids.
   - I believe that God will help me be more generous like Him.
   - I believe that God will help me rest in His peace and trust His wisdom.
After you have had time to reflect on the beliefs you have written down, you can set some reachable goals for partnering with God.   All you need is simple next steps to help you move forward with Him.  Don’t be discouraged by stumbling or struggling.   These are opportunities for our trust in God to grow stronger.  Simply confess your failure to God and ask for grace to cooperate more with His good work in you.  You’ll be encouraged by how partnering with God helps you move farther forward than if you had just set goals by yourself.

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