Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Believing in Jesus for our Friends

Some men came, bringing to Him [Jesus] a paralyzed man, carried by the four of them.      Mark 2:3  NIV

   Do you believe that Jesus can revolutionize and transform the lives of your friends?   If so, how is your belief demonstrated by your actions?  Are you as desperate for your friends as these men were for their friend?   They tore a hole in the roof of someone’s house just to get their friend to Jesus.

   What can you do to bring your friends to Jesus this Christmas season?  Could you invite them to a regular worship service or to a Christmas Eve celebration?  Could you commit to praying for them everyday between now and Christmas?  Could you introduce them to other Christian friends so they have more friends who care about  them getting to know Jesus?  Could you simply ask God for an opportunity to share your story of faith with them?

   One of the best gifts we can give our non-believing friends is to believe in Jesus’ power for them.  That won’t save them, but it will increase our desire bring them to who can save them.  Believing in Jesus’ power for them may also give us the boldness to do something daring on their behalf.  Take some time this week and ask God to give you a burden for one of your non-believing friends and then ask God for opportunities to bring this person to Jesus.

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