Sunday, January 19, 2014

Let Your Light Shine!

 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.    Matthew 5:16  NIV
    Most people will not discover the amazing love, infinite wisdom and unique greatness of God unless God’s people glorify Him by letting His light shine through them.  If people don’t discover His greatness, they will not trust Him and experience his life-filled goodness in this life.  And if they don’t trust Him during this life, they will not have the opportunity to experience His goodness in eternity either.  God has called us to surrender completely to His goodness so that we can enjoy it AND so others can see His greatness through us and put  their trust in Him.

    What opportunities has God given you to display his goodness?  How can you reflect the greatness of God this week?  What good deed (with no strings attached) can you do?    Make a plan to let your light shine in some way that stands out this week.  What kindness can you share?  What sacrifice can you make on behalf of someone else?  Ask God to empower you to let His light shine this week!  He loves to answer this prayer.

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