Monday, June 30, 2014

The Power of Daily Faithfulness

Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.    Luke 9:23  NIV

Give us today our daily bread.   Mathew 6:11 NIV

   Nothing makes a bigger contribution to our growth in Kingdom living than intentionally choosing to walk with Christ DAILY.  A multitude of forces combine to distract us from this choice.  If circumstances are going well, we may not feel the necessity to follow Christ closely.  Yet this doesn’t automatically mean that bad circumstances will make us choose to follow Christ closely.  Jesus said “the worries of the world” can also be a distraction.
   This is why Jesus instructed us to pray for daily bread to seek God’s Kingdom and will in our lives.  When we make this simple request we remind ourselves that we need God’s help to follow Christ faithfully and we are making a request that the Father is happy to fulfill. 

   It’s a great practice to start each day by praying the Lord’s prayer, but you may not feel like you are awake enough to do it sincerely when you first get up.  So start with something even shorter than the 53 words of the Lord’s Prayer.  As you crawl out of bed each day this week, and possibly many more weeks, say this simple one sentence prayer.

    “Father, please give me the daily bread I need today to follow Christ faithfully.”

As you pray it, have confidence that God will give you everything you need to follow Christ and experience his kingdom life flowing through you.

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