Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Inviting God

“In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.”
Proverbs 3:6 NIV

Remember that one of the keys to living a life with purpose and meaning is to focus on “how” you live more than on what you actually do. The best way to change your “how” is to stay connected to the God of the biggest purpose of all , restoring his kingdom.
One practical way to do this is to invite God throughout the day to help you experience his Kingdom life and express it to others. In other words, take time to acknowledge God’s presence throughout the day and ask him to guide what you are currently doing. It’s simple: Acknowledge and Ask. On one day of this week, set a goal to acknowledge God’s presence and ask for his guidance at least 5 times throughout the day. Once you have reached your goal one day, set the goal higher for another day. If you continue doing this, it will eventually become a habit that you will do very naturally and you will experience more and more of God’s presence and work in and through your life.

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