Monday, May 11, 2009

Your parents, You and God

“Honor your father and your mother.” Exodus 20: 12 NIV

Every moment of our lives is lived in the presence of God whether we realize it or not. That means we cannot separate our lives into spiritual and unspiritual parts. All of life is spiritual and God has ordered things so that everyday relationships play a big role in our relationship with him. He has designed life so that how we treat our parents greatly affects our lives.

This week, in keeping with this principle and the command to honor our parents. Pray for your parents every day. Pray for God’s blessing on them every day. Find a way to thank God for them no matter how they treated you when you were growing up or how they treat you now. If they don’t know Christ, pray for their salvation. If something is hindering your relationship with your parents, make it right this week. Don’t wait.

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