Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Centering Prayer and the Priceless Treasure of God's Kingdom

"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.    Matthew 13:45-46 NIV
It's been said that undivided attention may be the world's scarcest resource. One thing for sure is that a lack of focused attention hinders our walk with God.  This weekly "SPA" is all about practices you can use to increase the attention you give to God, which in turn helps you trust him, which in turn helps you to experience the good life he offers us. Even better, the more we experience God's goodness, the more it flows through us to others so they can trust his goodness, too.

There are all kinds of practices, some well known and some less known. One practice is called "centering prayer". A "centering prayer" is a brief prayer we pray often, with sincerity, that helps us reconnect with God and his great goodness. Sometimes it helps to close your eyes or breathe deeply while you pray this prayer. This week, try using this "centering prayer" several times a day to help you remember the priceless value of God's Kingdom and increase your desire to seek his kingdom first. You can write it on an index card to carry it with you while you learn it.
"Father, you are the only good and great King. Your kingdom is better than anything this world has to offer. Please open my eyes to see more of the beauty and greatness of your kingdom and give me strength to seek your kingdom above everything else today."

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