Monday, August 12, 2013

Profitable Pondering

Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”     Hebrews 12:3  NIV
    Consider.  Ponder.  Reflect.  Contemplate.  We don’t do much of these and I believe that’s just the way the devil likes it.  The less we think about what we do, the more likely it is that we will get stuck in some difficult and discouraging ruts.

    We should expect difficulty because Jesus faced strong opposition in his pursuit of living to please the Father in a broken and selfish world.  For sure, we will get wonderful tastes of kingdom life while we live on this planet.  We will enjoy samples of what it will be like to live in God’s presence forever.  The more we learn to trust God, the greater our experience will be, even in the middle of this broken world. 

    But it is this broken world that can discourage us and derail us.  It can cause us to “grow weary and lose heart.”  Our best defense against this is to take time to ponder Christ’s life.  He went through persecution and loneliness and dealt with stubborn disciples because the eternal gain was worth the struggle.  This week, set aside some quiet time to ponder what Christ went through for you.   Renew your belief that these battles against sin and suffering are worth fighting and that he wants to give you his strength to fight them.

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