Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Language of Worship and Trust

 I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever.            Psalm 145:1-2  NIV

   Sometimes the simple help we need to make progress in our walk with God comes from understanding the words God uses to teach us.  There are two words in the verses above that are relatively uncommon in our everyday language, but which offer very practical help to living life with God.

   To “exalt” means to “lift up”.  We tend to let God slip below other people and things in our thinking.  Though it is impossible in reality, we tend to demote God to less than King in our thinking.  To exalt God is to promote him to the very top position of my life.  It is choosing to honor Him as King and to surrender myself to His leadership.

   To “extol” means to “praise” or “boast”.  If I don’t intentionally remind myself of God’s greatness, love, wisdom and power, He will become smaller in my mind and heart.  When He becomes smaller in my mind and heart, the challenges of life become will become bigger and command my attention.   When this happens, I will trust Him less and live with less awareness of His constant presence and care.  The result of this will be having less of God's life in my life.  That's not what I want.  I want more of God's life in my life and if you are reading this, I know that is what you want, too.

   This week, start each day by taking a few minutes to extol and exalt the Lord.

1.  EXTOL:  Start by intentionally reminding yourself of the greatness of God.  In other words, boast about God to yourself.  Praise Him for his love and care for you. Praise Him for his power and wisdom and ability to provide everything you need.  The Psalms offer great reminders of his power, love and care.  Psalm 145 is a great place to start.

2. EXALT:  After you have spent time “boasting” about God, take a few moments to “lift” Him up as King of your life.  Declare that you want to live each moment remembering that He is King and that you want to do His will in your life just as it is done in Heaven.  Offer your body and every part of your life to him to do his will.

You’ll be amazed at how much practical help exalting and extolling will provide.

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