Sunday, February 9, 2014

God's Word and the Discovery of True Freedom

 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth,   and the truth will set you free.”    John 8:31-32  ESV
    The importance of God’s living and active word to living a fruitful life of goodness, cannot be overstated. If we truly want to interact with God and experience his goodness living in us, we must be people who live in Scripture.  In fact, that is what the word “abide” means.  If we choose to just “visit” God’s word occasionally, then our interaction with God and our experience of the freedom of his goodness will be minimal.  If we are people who saturate our hearts and minds with God’s truth, we will be transformed in beautiful ways and discover true freedom.

   Do you believe this?  Is God’s Word important to you?  Does your current interaction with God’s Word reveal that it is important to you?  What can you do this week to more fully live in God’s truth?  Here are two ideas.  Choose one and do it every day this week.

1.Choose to read God’s Word twice a day instead of once.   Try “bookending” your day with God’s Word by reading it in the morning and close to bedtime.

2.Commit to memorizing Scripture and reviewing it each day.  The simple way of writing verses out on index cards and carrying them with you is very helpful.  There are also several good apps for smartphones , such as “Scripture Typer”.

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