Monday, February 17, 2014

Trusting God Helps Us Listen

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be   quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.                James 1:19  NIV
    We often don’t think of listening as connected to trusting God but there is a strong correlation between the two.  One reason for a lack of listening is a lack of trust that God is in control and is working for our good.  Here are three examples of how a lack of trust produces poor listening.
•  We may be afraid that we won’t get our chance if we don’t speak first and often. 
•  We may be fearful and interpret someone’s disagreement with us as a personal attack. 
•  We may act selfishly to get our own way rather than listening for a way that is good for us and the others with us.

  On the flip side, a stronger trust in God  gives us a peace inside us that empowers us to give others a chance to speak.  
  • Trust in God keeps us from worrying about people disagreeing with us because we know God will protect the truth. 
  • Trust in God allows us to be humble and be open to changing our minds if someone presents a good idea.  
  • Trust in God helps us be patient and look for ways that are good for everyone involved.

   This week, take these two steps to help you grow in trust and in listening.
     1.  Start each day with this simple prayer.  “Father, I trust you.  You are the defender of truth and you are working for my good.  Please give me grace to walk in your truth and to listen to others so that love can grow and truth can be shared.”
     2.  Choose one day and make it your goal to ask every person you meet that day at least two questions before you tell them anything.  Listen well as they answer your questions.  Seek to understand what they are saying with their words and actions.

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