Monday, March 3, 2014

Boldly Share the Greatest Message in the World!

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.    Romans 1:16   NIV

    The Gospel is the greatest message in the world. The King of kings is making peace with his enemies.  The loving Heavenly Father is inviting his wayward children to come home.  The Savior of the World is rescuing the lost.  He who formed life is transforming lives. The Great Physician is healing the hurt and the broken.  The Giver of all gifts is generously sharing his extravagant goodness.  The All-Powerful One is overcoming evil and injustice.  The Judge of all mankind is granting forgiveness. The Creator of the universe is restoring his creation.  Through Jesus Christ we can have peace with God and live in his kingdom now and forever. Embrace this message and share it with joy!  

What will you do THIS week to live and share this message of infinite hope?  What will you do THIS week to represent your King and his kingdom?  Here’s some help.

1.Set aside some time to reflect on the first paragraph above.  As you do, consider how the Gospel has impacted your life.  Has God healed your hurt?  Have you felt the Father’s love?  Have you experienced God’s goodness?  Have you found peace?  Write a paragraph about how God has changed your life through the Gospel.

2.Ask God for an opportunity to share a 30 second story about his goodness and power in your life.  Ask God to make you ready for the opportunity and to help you speak with confidence.  Be bold!  This is a great AND powerful message.  The Gospel has the power to rescue everyone who puts their trust in Christ and restore them with the goodness of God.

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