Monday, February 24, 2014

Loving Mercy

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.            Micah 6:8 NIV

     When we think of the phrase "love mercy" in this Scripture, we typically think of sharing mercy with someone with a serious financial or physical need.  While this is definitely a part of loving mercy, it is not the whole picture.  First, note that Micah tells us to LOVE mercy.  This means that someone who is part of God's kingdom does not just practice mercy on sporadic occasions.  Mercy is a way of life for citizens of God's kingdom.  Second, a clearer picture of the Hebrew word mercy in this passage is "faithful kindness".  Someone who loves mercy is someone who loves to be kind to people, who loves to help lighten the loads that people are carrying.  Further, he is not motivated to be kind because the recipients deserve kindness, but because he is overflowing with the kindness God has given to him.  Because of the kindness he has received from God, he loves to be kind to others.   When we start to think this way, we see many more opportunities to share mercy every day. 

   What will you do this week to lighten the load of someone near you?  Is there a swamped coworker nearby?  Do you have an elderly neighbor that needs to have some snow or ice removed?  Is there someone around you who is discouraged?  This week, ask God to help you see someone that needs a lighter load and ask God to give you wisdom to help them in a practical way.  God's people understand that we find life in giving it away, not in grabbing it for ourselves.  We enjoy the kindness God gives us more when we share it with others.  When we lighten the load of another person, two people are encouraged.  

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