Monday, January 21, 2013

Bragging on God

My soul will boast in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice.    Psalm 34:2 NIV
    It’s been said  that when our problems seem too big, it’s because our  view of God is too small.  That’s the nugget of truth behind this verse from Psalms.  David was familiar with the weight of affliction and the despair that it can bring.  David was fully aware of the potential that affliction has to steal our hope so that we find it hard to even dream about something good happening.

   What was his solution?  Boast in the Lord!  He would recount the greatness of God .  When we follow his example of magnifying the greatness of God, our confidence in God will grow and our problems will seem to shrink before our very eyes.

   This week, use the truths listed below to proclaim God’s greatness.  Get on your knees and humble yourself before God.  Declare confidently that He is God and you are not.  Surrender to his amazing greatness.  Pray through these truths, applying each one to your personal situation with full confidence in God's greatness.  Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in prayer and to strengthen your confidence in God.

1. His mercy is magnificent.  Micah 7:18
2. His forgiveness is complete. 1 John 1:9
3. His faithful love is the greatest love. Psalm 89:2; John 15:13
4. His knowledge and wisdom have no limits.  Romans 11:33-34
5. His ways are just and perfect. Deuteronomy 32:4
6. His grace is sufficient. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
7. His peace passes all understanding. Philippians 4:6-7
8. He is always with us. Hebrews 13:5
9. His victory is certain.  1 Corinthians 15:22-26; 2 Peter 3:13

Monday, January 14, 2013

Seeking God's Face

My heart says of you, “Seek his face!” Your face, Lord, I will seek.                 Psalm 27:8 NIV

    We are all born with a hunger  to seek God’s face.  It’s what the early church father, St. Augustine was describing when he said, “Oh God, you have made our hearts and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you.”

    Everyone feels this hunger, but not everyone understands that only God can satisfy it.  Many try to satisfy this hunger by seeking the approval of others, some form of comfort or any of a multitude of other things.  Time spent seeking satisfaction from other sources only builds up our resistance to seeking God.

   It’s important to note that God calls us to seek his FACE.  Why his face?  It’s because knowing the face of someone is a description of a personal relationship.  We often spend time seeking God’s hand, which indicates we are more interested in what God can give us more than we are interested in having a relationship with him.

   How do we seek God’s face?  God gives us instructions for this, too, and it starts with praising him.  When we praise God, and do this not just as a means to butter him up so we can get what we really want, we are focusing on his goodness, greatness and love.  This week, set aside some time to praise God without asking for anything from him.  Don’t even expect a certain feeling or experience.  Simply praise him with a sincere heart.  As you pray, contemplate the meaning of what you are praying.  What does it mean that God is faithful, patient, good or kind?  Think as you pray.  As you do, you will be satisfying your deep hunger to know God.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Increasing Your Awareness for Sharing the Good News

I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.          John 4:35  NIV
    Jesus spoke these words to his disciples so they would open their eyes to see the people all around them who are ready to respond to God.  It’s very easy to think that people are not open to the message of God’s grace, that they won’t want us to share God’s kindness with them.  The truth is that there are many people who are open to God and would love to talk with us about trusting him.  It doesn’t mean they will trust God immediately, but we may help them move closer to trusting him.

    Sometimes a short, often-prayed prayer can change the way we look at the people around us.  This week, pray this one sentence prayer for the people around you.
      “Father, please help this person discover your goodness and trust your
       wisdom.”  [Use their name if you know it.]

You can pray it for your coworker or for the person in the car next to you at a traffic light.  You can pray this prayer for a believer or a nonbeliever.  No matter where we are on our journey, we all need to discover more of God’s goodness and trust more of his wisdom.  Pray it as often as you can.  You can pray it many times for the same person.  Simply pray it for anyone and everyone that crosses your path this week.