Monday, March 31, 2014

Overcoming Mistreatment the Jesus Way

Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.        Colossians 3:13  NIV

Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. Luke 6:28  NIV
    The curse and consequence of sin is death.  The blessing of righteousness is life.  Jesus took our curse and died for us.  In return, we received righteousness and life.  This is the same action that Jesus asks us to take toward those who mistreat us.  When we forgive others as Christ has forgiven us, we absorb the mistreatment that they gave us just as Christ was mistreated for our sake.  Understand this: Forgiveness always involves pain for the forgiver.

    How do we overcome this pain?  By blessing those who curse us and praying for God to treat well those who have mistreated us.  It is painful to plant seeds of forgiveness in the fields of pain, but the fruit of these seeds is grace and peace and a heart filled with more of God’s goodness.

    Have you been mistreated?  Have you been publicly insulted?  Have you felt betrayed?  Have you been intentionally hurt? Have you been neglected or rejected?  This week, pray for one or more people who have mistreated you.  Pray for God to bless them and to draw them to himself.  As you pray, think of the cross, where Jesus was mistreated for you.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Praying with Love for the Lost

 This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only   Son into the world that we might live through him. 1 John 4:9  NIV
   This week's SPA contains a very simple idea to help us grow in our love for the lost.   It's written by Margaret Snow, my friend from Community Alliance Church.

Scripture is very clear about God's love for every person in the world.  Help your love for people to grow by praying for the first three people you see when you leave your house each day this week.  It may be the mailman, the driver of the car beside you or your neighbor.  Whoever these three people are, pause for a moment and ask God to help them discover his love and put their full trust in Him.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Dealing with Personal Pain

Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him,  for God is our refuge.     Psalm 62:8  NIV

If one part suffers, every part suffers with it.  1 Corinthians 12:26 NIV

    There are many bad ways to deal with personal suffering.  The worst way is probably to repress it, to push it down and pretend we are not in pain.  Perseverance is a good thing, but to persevere in denial is not helpful.

    There are two really helpful ways to deal with suffering.  The first way is to pour out your heart to God.  Tell him how you really feel.  If you are angry at God, let it out.  If you have questions, ask him.  If you can’t bear to go on, cry out to him for help.  When we honestly pour out our pain to God, we discover him as our refuge.  Our suffering may not end, but we will discover strength, comfort and even joy in the midst of it. 

    The second helpful way to deal with personal suffering is by helping others who are suffering.  When we help others, our burden becomes lighter and our faith becomes stronger.  He who suffers alone suffers the most.  When you suffer, care for someone else who is suffering and both of you will be strengthened.

This week, put both of these good ways into practice.

1. Set aside some time to pour out some pain to God.  It doesn’t matter if it is a small disappointment or an overwhelming hurt.  Pour it out to God in prayer or write it in a journal.  Be gut level honest and humbly ask for help.
2. Set aside some time to pray for someone or to serve someone who is suffering.  Make a phone call, write an encouraging note or simply pray for them.  Bring an extra snack to share at work or take someone to lunch and listen to their story. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Understanding the Tenderness of Jesus

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing.”  Luke 13:34  NIV

As He approached Jerusalem and saw the city, He wept over it and said, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes.”  Luke 19:41-42  NIV

   These words were spoken by Jesus shortly before His crucifixion – words of compassion and mercy despite the fact that those over whom He mourned were the very ones who would call for His death.  How deep is His love and mercy, how relentless His tenderness.  Relentless tenderness?*  It’s a strange pair of words since relentless can be defined as “harsh, stubborn, unyielding”.  Yet these seemingly opposite words show us the nature of Jesus.  His love and mercy know no bounds, and He pursues us all passionately, stubbornly, desiring that no one should be lost, that all should fully know His grace as shown by His death and resurrection.

    How have you pursued something relentlessly?  Perhaps while learning a new skill, mastering a sport, or chasing the person you thought might be “the one”?  Think about that this week and then spend time thanking God each day for His relentless tenderness toward you.

- SPA written by Nora Lasher

*(concept borrowed from Brennan Manning’s book The Relentless Tenderness of Jesus)

Monday, March 3, 2014

Boldly Share the Greatest Message in the World!

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.    Romans 1:16   NIV

    The Gospel is the greatest message in the world. The King of kings is making peace with his enemies.  The loving Heavenly Father is inviting his wayward children to come home.  The Savior of the World is rescuing the lost.  He who formed life is transforming lives. The Great Physician is healing the hurt and the broken.  The Giver of all gifts is generously sharing his extravagant goodness.  The All-Powerful One is overcoming evil and injustice.  The Judge of all mankind is granting forgiveness. The Creator of the universe is restoring his creation.  Through Jesus Christ we can have peace with God and live in his kingdom now and forever. Embrace this message and share it with joy!  

What will you do THIS week to live and share this message of infinite hope?  What will you do THIS week to represent your King and his kingdom?  Here’s some help.

1.Set aside some time to reflect on the first paragraph above.  As you do, consider how the Gospel has impacted your life.  Has God healed your hurt?  Have you felt the Father’s love?  Have you experienced God’s goodness?  Have you found peace?  Write a paragraph about how God has changed your life through the Gospel.

2.Ask God for an opportunity to share a 30 second story about his goodness and power in your life.  Ask God to make you ready for the opportunity and to help you speak with confidence.  Be bold!  This is a great AND powerful message.  The Gospel has the power to rescue everyone who puts their trust in Christ and restore them with the goodness of God.