Monday, February 24, 2014

Loving Mercy

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.            Micah 6:8 NIV

     When we think of the phrase "love mercy" in this Scripture, we typically think of sharing mercy with someone with a serious financial or physical need.  While this is definitely a part of loving mercy, it is not the whole picture.  First, note that Micah tells us to LOVE mercy.  This means that someone who is part of God's kingdom does not just practice mercy on sporadic occasions.  Mercy is a way of life for citizens of God's kingdom.  Second, a clearer picture of the Hebrew word mercy in this passage is "faithful kindness".  Someone who loves mercy is someone who loves to be kind to people, who loves to help lighten the loads that people are carrying.  Further, he is not motivated to be kind because the recipients deserve kindness, but because he is overflowing with the kindness God has given to him.  Because of the kindness he has received from God, he loves to be kind to others.   When we start to think this way, we see many more opportunities to share mercy every day. 

   What will you do this week to lighten the load of someone near you?  Is there a swamped coworker nearby?  Do you have an elderly neighbor that needs to have some snow or ice removed?  Is there someone around you who is discouraged?  This week, ask God to help you see someone that needs a lighter load and ask God to give you wisdom to help them in a practical way.  God's people understand that we find life in giving it away, not in grabbing it for ourselves.  We enjoy the kindness God gives us more when we share it with others.  When we lighten the load of another person, two people are encouraged.  

Monday, February 17, 2014

Trusting God Helps Us Listen

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be   quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.                James 1:19  NIV
    We often don’t think of listening as connected to trusting God but there is a strong correlation between the two.  One reason for a lack of listening is a lack of trust that God is in control and is working for our good.  Here are three examples of how a lack of trust produces poor listening.
•  We may be afraid that we won’t get our chance if we don’t speak first and often. 
•  We may be fearful and interpret someone’s disagreement with us as a personal attack. 
•  We may act selfishly to get our own way rather than listening for a way that is good for us and the others with us.

  On the flip side, a stronger trust in God  gives us a peace inside us that empowers us to give others a chance to speak.  
  • Trust in God keeps us from worrying about people disagreeing with us because we know God will protect the truth. 
  • Trust in God allows us to be humble and be open to changing our minds if someone presents a good idea.  
  • Trust in God helps us be patient and look for ways that are good for everyone involved.

   This week, take these two steps to help you grow in trust and in listening.
     1.  Start each day with this simple prayer.  “Father, I trust you.  You are the defender of truth and you are working for my good.  Please give me grace to walk in your truth and to listen to others so that love can grow and truth can be shared.”
     2.  Choose one day and make it your goal to ask every person you meet that day at least two questions before you tell them anything.  Listen well as they answer your questions.  Seek to understand what they are saying with their words and actions.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

God's Word and the Discovery of True Freedom

 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth,   and the truth will set you free.”    John 8:31-32  ESV
    The importance of God’s living and active word to living a fruitful life of goodness, cannot be overstated. If we truly want to interact with God and experience his goodness living in us, we must be people who live in Scripture.  In fact, that is what the word “abide” means.  If we choose to just “visit” God’s word occasionally, then our interaction with God and our experience of the freedom of his goodness will be minimal.  If we are people who saturate our hearts and minds with God’s truth, we will be transformed in beautiful ways and discover true freedom.

   Do you believe this?  Is God’s Word important to you?  Does your current interaction with God’s Word reveal that it is important to you?  What can you do this week to more fully live in God’s truth?  Here are two ideas.  Choose one and do it every day this week.

1.Choose to read God’s Word twice a day instead of once.   Try “bookending” your day with God’s Word by reading it in the morning and close to bedtime.

2.Commit to memorizing Scripture and reviewing it each day.  The simple way of writing verses out on index cards and carrying them with you is very helpful.  There are also several good apps for smartphones , such as “Scripture Typer”.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Deciding to See the Harvest

Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.     John 4:35  NIV
    This whole month we have been working at opening our eyes to see the harvest of people that God wants to bring into his family.  There are billions of lost people all over the world who need to hear and believe the message of Christ or else they will spend eternity away from God and separated from all goodness.  It is typical for all of us to keep our eyes looking down on our situation.  It takes an intentional decision to lift up our eyes and see the harvest before us.

   What intentional step can you take this week to see the  potential harvest of lost people near you or far away from you?  Could you pause to pray for people who do not trust God who live in nations which make the news this coming week?  Could you pause each day to look at a world map and pray for another country?  Could you memorize this verse above so that you have a frequent reminder to see the lost people around you?  Set aside a few moments this week to ask God to help you take a practical step see the harvest of people who need Christ.